Jan. 31th(Fri). 2020@Fukuoka New Combo
Trinity presents 「Nautilus the first encounter」 1月31日(金)@天神南New COMBO open 19:00 start 20:00 charge adv. ¥3,300 / door ¥3,600 ...
Jan. 30th(Thu). 2020@Kumamoto tsukimi
Trinity presents 「Nautilus the first encounter」 1月30日(木)@熊本tsukimi open 19:00 start 20:00 charge adv. ¥2,800 / door ¥3,500 ...
Dec. 22th(Sun)@Motosumiyoshi Powers2
★Nautius 4th Album "Space Crawler" Release Party pt.2★ 2019/12/22(日)@元住吉POWERS2 OPEN 18:00/START 19:30 ADV¥3000/DOOR¥3500 ■LIVE ...
Nov. 25th(Mon)@Shibuya JZBrat
11月25日(月)@渋谷JZBrat Nautilus 4th Album Release Party / Nautiloid Quest vol.3 @渋谷JZbrat http://www.jzbrat.com/ open 17:30 start 1st 19:30...
Oct. 26th. Sat@Fukushima Iwaki bistro antiqua
Nautilus Live @ bistro antiqua 2019.10.26 Sat ¥3,000+1D Live 1st 20:00 2nd 22:00 bistro antiqua 福島県いわき市植田町中央3-2-4
Oct. 11th (Fri)@表参道ZIMAGINE
2019.10.11(金)@表参道ZIMAGINE http://zimagine.genonsha.co.jp/ Open 19:00 Start 20:00 Charge 2500yen / +1drink
Sep. 2nd (Mon)@Koenji Cafe Yummy
9.2(mon)@高円寺cafe yummy open 18:30 1st 19:30 2nd 20:30 charge 2,500yen minimum charge 1,500yen
Mar. 30th(Sat)@Motosumiyoshi Powers2
★NETWORKS × Nautilus★ 2019/03/30(土)@元住吉POWERS2 OPEN 18:00/START 19:30 ADV¥2500/DOOR¥3000 ■LIVE NETWORKS Nautilus ■TICKET&INFO ...
Jan. 20th(Sun)
2019.1.20 SUN @Grassroots Yokohama OPEN 18:00 DJ TIME 18:00- / 19:40- / 21:00- LIVE < Nautilus > 19:00- < GLAM > 20:10- < Nautilus > ...
Sep. 25th. (Tue)@Shibuya JZbrat
9月25日(火) Nautilus / Nautiloid Quest vol.1 @渋谷JZbrat http://www.jzbrat.com/ open 17:30 start 1st 19:30 2nd 21:00 charge 予約4000円...